Pressure washing concrete is our specialty

Many of my customers know I can help them solve their paint project dilemmas. Now, knowing they are ready to tackle those home improvement projects indoors, they are ready to get down to business on the necessary issues outside. The driveway. The patio. The sidewalk. Okay, I think you get what I’m saying.

The mildew has continued to gradually blacken these surfaces and they are unsightly. Well, just plain ugly and depressing actually. It’s time to get that parked pressure washer out. The entire time it sits in that catch-all corner of the shed or garage, the guys just know that their wives haven’t forgotten that it’s there even though they continually walk right past it just hoping their better half won’t bring remind them.

But, time’s up. Time to finally fire it up. So, how do I pressure wash my driveway Mr. Bryan? My first inclination is to tell them to call me when they are ready to brighten up their home, but most guys love to pressure wash. For about an hour. Then they look for magical solutions that will make these surfaces clean without the arduous effort.

So here are a few helpful pointers for how to use a pressure washer. Remember, these are only suggestions and you must be careful to read all directions on products you intend to use. Use good personal protection equipment like gloves and goggles, and respect your pressure washer! It’s a great tool to have but can be dangerous too. Inspect your pressure hoses for bulges, bends, or sticky quick connects – hoses do rupture and also come away from fittings and can cause injury! Lastly – always double check your tip connections to ensure they are snugly in place. They can launch off the tip of the wand and damage something or worse yet – cause an injury. Be safe!

We use a fairly weak cleaning solution which includes bleach. The cleaning solution you use can be applied through the pressure washer’s detergent injector or with a pump-up garden sprayer. If you want the job of cleaning that big long driveway to last a year – just use a wand with a 25 degree tip. If you want to do the job much faster – use a surface or “circular” cleaner after you’ve treated the driveway! That will become your best friend and save you lots of time.

Be patient and don’t rush as you pressure wash your concrete surfaces. Moving too fast will only cause you to get those surfaces half clean and you’ll leave lines all over the place. Have fun! It is a lot of work, but pressure washing exterior surfaces and be fun and rewarding too.

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